When two people are in love with each other it is obvious...and we can't think of any couple who appear more in love than Luis and Denice. Even when things got behind they stayed focused and excited about the wedding ceremony and becoming husband and wife. And at the reception, we were very impressed by Luis' removal of the garter. He didn't just walk out to the dance floor, take off the garter then throw it...he was smooth as silk! He took Denice by the hand, guided her into the seat, took his time taking off the garter, then took her hand and helped her out of her seat, hugged her and kissed her. It was impressive to say the least! We couldn't have asked for two nicer people, or two nicer families. Everyone at this wedding had a smile on their face and had a great time. Luis and Denice, you guys are a wonderful couple, and what a great testimony of how a husband and wife ought to love one another. We hope you enjoy the brief slideshow above...and all of your wedding pictures are online in your gallery. You can get to your gallery by going to
http://www.nexisphotography.com/ and clicking on "Client Proofing" then looking for your picture. Your wedding video will take a few more weeks, but you are going to LOVE it!
Talk to you guys soon!
- M&L